The sea chest is perhaps the most familiar of all nautical furniture. Made usually by the sailor himself, it would have been one of his most important possessions. Not only did it store a sailor’s personal belongings; it was a sailor’s own particular nook on board ship. It served as his table, his chair, his bank and his bureau. These chests also gave a sailor an opportunity for personal expression through carvings, paintings, and decorations. Our sea chest incorporates many design elements found in period sea chests. It is made of hand planed eastern white pine. The front and back are canted and assembled with dovetail joinery. The overhanging top is supported by large iron strap hinges. The interior has a till and a brass lock which is finished off with an ivory escutcheon. Hardwood cleats with a hand carved star hold rope grommets tied with a shroud knot and finished with marline twine.
Sea Chest
Sea Chest Interior
Come aboard and build this traditional sea chest. In this class you will....